The United Way of El Paso in collaboration with the City of El Paso has established and activated the Community Resiliency Center (CRC) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CRC aims to meet the needs of community members by enhancing awareness and providing information and navigation services to community resources that support long term stability.
Provides a variety of resources and direct support for community members. Services include transportation assistance, utility assistance, and veteran services (refer to website for details of services offered).
Supports job seekers with access to job openings, education and training programs, and basic support programs (resume, childcare, transportation, etc)
Offers a variety of services such as housing and utility assistance. Our navigators can support community members with Project Bravo applications.
As a member of the Texas Community Partner Program, our navigators are certified to support community members with Texas Benefits applications that provide access to food (SNAP), cash (TANF), and health (CHIP/Medicare).
Community members seeking navigation services through the El Paso United Community Resiliency Center are screened based on the following criteria:
Lives within the El Paso city limits.
Have been indirectly or directly affected by COVID-19.
Are experiencing housing instability, unemployment or increased food insecurity.
*Low-to-Moderate income refers to the maximum income an individual or household can earn to qualify for assistance. Below is the HUD income limits by family size:

These criteria help us ensure that our resources are directed to those who need them the most and that assistance is provided to individuals and families facing specific challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

United Way of El Paso County is a proud member of the El Paso Helps Collaborative, a dedicated group of local organizations, who are committed to ensuring community members receive care from high-quality, credible programs and organizations, and find stability in the face of emerging needs. Our partners include the City of El Paso, Amistad, Endeavors, and Opportunity Center for the Homeless.